Journal Articles
Submitted. Improper verb doubling. [with Tom Meadows] [Lingbuzz]
2022. The structure of SAY verbs and temporal modification. Snippets 43: 7-9. [Link]
Book Chapters
To appear. Worlds of possibility: Murder, mystery and meaning. In Teaching linguistics with games, ed. Vita V. Kogan, TBD. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. [with Luisa Martí and Hazel Pearson] [Email me for copy]
Proceedings Papers
To appear. The modification puzzle of Mandarin numeral phrases. Proceedings of SuB 29. [with Jia Ren* and Satoru Ozaki] [ResearchGate]
To appear. D-linkability of Mandarin wh-nominals: A morphosyntactic account. Proceedings of NACCL-36. [with Fangning Ren*] [ResearchGate]
To appear. Improper verb doubling in Mandarin Chinese and the Williams Cycle. Proceedings of WCCFL42. [with Tom Meadows] [Lingbuzz]
To appear. The syntax and post-syntax of verb doubling in Mandarin Chinese. Proceedings of WCCFL41. [with Tom Meadows] [Lingbuzz]
2023. Ambiguity in high/low construal: An Agree-based approach. In Proceedings of the fifty-third annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, Vol. 3, ed. by Suet-Ying Lam and Satoru Ozaki, 217-226. Amherst, MA: GLSA. [Lingbuzz]
2023. Verb doubling in Mandarin Chinese as PF-driven lower copy pronunciation. In Proceedings of the 24th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, ed. by Tae Sik Kim and Jungu Kang, 109-120. Seoul: Hankook Munhwasa. [with Tom Meadows] [ResearchGate]
Other Articles
2022. “拿来吧你”, 句法移位究竟留下了什么? 信睿周报第80期“神经漫谈”专栏: 21-23. [What on earth does the syntactic constituent leave after movement? Popular science article in TheThinker 80: 21-23.] [Drive]
2022. Deriving temporal adverbial clauses in Mandarin Chinese. Ms., Queen Mary University of London. [Email me for copy]
In prep. A non-operator movement approach to Geis-ambiguities.
In prep. Disambiguating resultative verb doubling in Mandarin Chinese.
In prep. 作为语言学家的乔姆斯基. [Chomsky as a linguist. Pop-sci article for Neureality.]
Note: The symbol '*' indicates 'first author(s)'; otherwise, all the authors make equal contributions.