
Upcoming Events

Spring Term, 2025: Invited presentation at Cambridge SyntaxLab 

Ongoing Events

26th Mar, 2025: Short talk (25 +10 mins) 'Height matters: VP-movement in Mandarin Chinese and the Williams Cycle' at GLOW47 with Tom Meadows

16th Mar, 2025: SuB 29 procceds 'The modification puzzle of Mandarin numeral phrases' on ResearchGate with Jia Ren* and Satoru Ozaki

28th Feb, 2025: Paper with Tom Meadows  'Improper verb doubling' submitted [Drive]

Past Events

5th Dec, 2024: Invited presentation 'What verb doubling can tell us about locality' in the Syntax/Semantics Workshop at University of Oxford

23rd Sep, 2024. Invited presentation 'What verb doubling can tell us about locality' in the Syntax Reading Group at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

19th Sep, 2024: Poster (plus lightning talk) presentation 'The modification puzzle of Mandarin bare nouns' at SuB 29 with Jia Ren and Satoru Ozaki

3rd Sep, 2024: NACCL-36 proceedings 'D-linkability of Mandarin wh-nominals: A morphosyntactic account' on ResearchGate [with Fangning Ren]

9th Aug, 2024: WCCFL42 proceedings 'Improper verb doubling in Mandarin Chinese and the Williams Cyle' on Lingbuzz [with Tom Meadows]